Saturday, November 28, 2009

Welcome to Degree Project Hell: Phase One

Gah... On top of coming close very to acting like a total idiot in my Degree Project class (again), I haven't been able finish anything I set out to do during Thanksgiving break (which I can't really call a break, as we only missed 2 days of classes, one of which most folks probably spent with family).

Here's my wonderful animation buddy Rebecca Wong voicing my super short style test. Rebecca well play as my character Lisa-Marie in the project.

I have a bunch of people I still need recorded, (which includes myself), but everyone's usual schedule is all messed up next week. So, because of that I have to push production up a week which makes me late in sending work to my sound designer... Gah!
My teacher wanted me to color the 15 second-ish footage of the animation I showed him this week, which seemed simple but... I needed to color my background first to get a sense of how light would reflect off my characters.

THIS was a super pain in the @$$.

I couldn't get the color right, everything looked icky... I re-colored the stage several times and each time it looked terrible. I ended up wasting a whole day, which could have been spent coloring...

Today, John Roman, my Technical Drawing teacher who is awesome, sent me some minor edits on my uncolored stage, which finally helped me unify the way I want my stage to look.

With that picture in mind, I went to the Total Drama Blog and used one of the pictures of the TDA Stage Set to reference a unified color scheme.

Here's the final of the Center Stage which I'm quite pleased with, though I know my DP teacher will find something with it. Oh well...

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